Wings X - information event on April 13, 2024

April 13, 2024

Information event on version 2.6.1 of the new Wings X software from AV Stumpfl.

In about 74 minutes we show the new functions of the version from a short introduction to Wings X with the basic functions and the various licenses. Your user questions will also be answered.

Moderation: Christian Horn (HORNCOLOR Multimedia GmbH), Wolfgang Lehmann and Peter Reitemeier

Further information and seminars can be found here:

Wings X 2.6.0

March 20, 2024

The latest version of Wings X brings a wealth of innovations that take editing objects in the timeline to a new level. With the release of Wings X 2.6.0, beginners and professionals can look forward to the following new functions:

New insert mode for a quick workflow in the timeline:

The new Insert Mode allows users to insert objects into existing sequences with remarkable ease. By activating the mode, objects can be inserted without taking selections or groupings into account, with the already existing objects being automatically moved to the right.

A yellow insertion marker warns of moves on selected tracks, while a green marker appears for single-track moves.

Automatically close gaps when deleting objects:

It is now possible to automatically close gaps that arise when timeline objects are deleted. After deletion, all subsequent objects on the track or tracks will be moved to the left.

Furthermore, users can now easily close gaps between objects in the timeline, either on a single track, on all selected tracks, or even on all tracks.

Quickly cut objects with a new cutting mode:

The new editing mode enables lightning-fast and efficient editing of objects in the timeline. 

With a simple mouse click, objects can be clipped left or right, while pressing both mouse buttons or the Shift key splits the object.

The cut only takes place when the mouse buttons are released in order to enable precise adjustment of the cutting point.

Improved navigation through the timeline:

Two new menu items, “Jump to beginning” and “Jump to end”, as well as associated optional toolbar buttons make navigation through the timeline easier.

In addition, there is a list of named markers in the timeline settings that can be accessed directly with a mouse click.

With these new features, Wings X 2.6.0 sets a new standard for video editing, allowing users to realize their creative visions with even greater efficiency and precision.

Wings X offline duration extended!

March 12, 2024

We have decided to extend the term of the offline license from 14 days to 30 days. You don’t have to do anything… the change takes place automatically.

Background information… as most users probably already know, Wings X (now) requires a connection to the license server every 30 days in order to synchronize the license data.
If you are offline for longer than (now) 30 days or do not open your Wings X during this period, Wings X will log out of the local license for security reasons. You can then log in again with your login details, consisting of email and password, and continue working.


Well-known and unknown speakers from home and abroad can take part in the DISCOVERY DAYS. In the competition, the best live reports in the categories BEST LECTURE, BEST PHOTOGRAPHY and BEST STORY will be determined by a jury and awarded with cash prizes totaling CHF 20,000.

Storytellers can apply for DISCOVERY DAYS with ONE live report. The total duration of a lecture must not exceed 30 minutes. The lecture must be delivered live and in German or, in exceptional cases, in English.

From the submitted proposals, 12 to 18 lectures will be selected for participation in the festival.

Our goal is to discover new, unknown lectures that have not yet been shown to a large audience. We accept both newcomer speakers and old hands – all exciting lectures that we don’t know yet pique our interest. In addition to the cash prizes, there is much more for the speakers to win, as the audience includes numerous organizers who are looking for new lectures for their commercial event series and festivals.

Submission deadline for speakers: April 25, 2024, 11:59 p.m

Wings X 2.3

Shortly before the year 2023 comes to an end, the new version 2.3.0 of Wings X is available for update or download. For everyone who wanted the previous search function for files in the pool back, this version is a Christmas present.

There is a new menu item “Tools – Check Project” that checks the current project for errors. The file properties of the media are currently being updated and missing files in the pool are being searched for. At the end of the process, a corresponding message appears.

In addition, there is (from the starter license) a new time panel to display the locator time and, above all, a countdown to the next marker. All you have to do is activate one track as a marker track. In the storyboard, small triangles on the left and right now show when fields outside the visible area contain information or media.

In addition, Wings X is now a Windows application signed and certified by Microsoft.

Wings X - information event on December 15, 2023

December 15, 2023

Information event on version 2.2.x of the new Wings X software from AV Stumpfl. In about 109 minutes we will show you the new functions of the version, starting with a short introduction to Wings X with the basic functions and the various licenses. Your user questions will also be answered and we will present three new tutorials from the Wings X MasterClass:

  • Effect templates and how to use them;
  • Curve templates and creative image transitions;
  • QR codes – creation, benefits and possible uses.

Moderation: Christian Horn Julia Pöller (HORNCOLOR Multimedia GmbH)

Further information and seminars can be found here:

Wings X - information event on September 5th, 2023

April 24, 2023

Information event on version 2.0.2 of the new Wings X software from AV Stumpfl. In about 64 minutes we will briefly show you how to get started with Wings X with the basic functions and the different licenses. As a highlight, Klaus Linscheid and Christian Horn conducted an interview with Christoph Hilger, the developer of the software, and Christoph Koch (both from AV Stumpfl) a few days before the broadcast and asked them many questions about the software and development. Christoph Hilger himself presents the most prominent innovations of Wings In the studio we add further “small details” to the interview and of course we answer your user questions.

Moderation: Christian Horn Julia Pöller (HORNCOLOR Multimedia GmbH), Interview: Christoph Hilger Christoph Koch (AV Stumpfl), Christian Horn Klaus Linscheid (the authors of the Wings X MasterClass)

Further information and seminars can be found here:

Wings X 2.0

Version 2.0 is available for download with many new functions. We would like to give you a brief overview of the highlights and present the most important innovations.

As usual, you can read the complete list of changes in the Wings X version archive at

Setup tool and screen geometry

The setup tool has also found its way into Wings X with version 2.0 and has been expanded to include practical setting views. This tool makes it easier to set up the projector on a screen. Display problems with a digital projector can be identified immediately and the settings can be optimized. Link to video tutorial

The geometry function of the Screen Tools allows the user to adapt the screen projection to a real screen with millimeter precision. This saves the speaker valuable time and nerves in setting up the technology the day before. Link to video tutorial

Screen Tools and Spotlight

The Screen Tools include global sharpening, global color adjustment and global color grading functions. Link to video tutorial

The Spotlight function of Wings The function is similar to a classic laser pointer. The digital version used in Wings X offers significantly expanded display options. Link to video tutorial

Image sequences

Wings X can process a sequence of images into a high-quality video. This can be used to create timelapse videos, for example. Full presentation quality playback is available using exported H.264 videos. Link to video tutorial

Object animation and animation progress control

The new ability to move objects such as images, videos and text along an animation path greatly simplifies the programming of irregular movements on the screen. Link to video tutorial

The new control curve for animation objects significantly expands the creative design options of Wings X Animation. Link to video tutorial

Color pipette

With the color pipette you can pick up any color in Wings X and use it in your creative work.


A preset system is now available for all export functions (audio, single image, image sequence, video, text file and Wings X presentation) with which your own export settings can be saved and retrieved.

Wings X version 1.9 is online!

The new version 1.9 is available for update or download. As explained in the associated beta version, this version represents a milestone for Mac users because it is the first version created specifically for Macs with Apple Silicon chips (“M1” and “M2”). This takes advantage of the special capabilities of these processors, resulting in an enormous performance gain. Initial tests show that the video performance has doubled compared to the (already optimized) version 1.8.1!

As of version 1.9, Wings X is now available in three different versions:

1.) Wings X for Windows – runs on Windows computers with Windows 10 or Windows 11.

2.) Wings X for Macs with Intel processors – runs on all Macs with at least macOS 11 (Big Sur). On Macs with M1/M2 processors, this variant automatically runs under Rosetta 2.

3.) Wings X for Macs with M1/M2 processors – runs exclusively on Macs with Apple Silicon chips (M1/M2 processors). This variant cannot be installed on Macs with Intel processors.

We deliberately chose two separate editions for the Mac versions in order to avoid unnecessary ballast for the different processor type. This halves download times and enables more targeted optimization.

When you update the software from Wings X, the best version is automatically installed.

The projects created with all three variants are fully compatible with each other.

Danger! Important information for Mac users with an M1/M2 Mac: If you want to get started immediately with the version for M1/M2 processors, you must not update your Wings X but must download and install this version from the Wings X website. This is because version 1.8 of course knows nothing about the new version of Wings X and therefore downloads the version for Intel Macs when updating. This also works on the M1/M2 Macs, but there is no performance gain compared to version 1.8.1. The next update (i.e. from version 1.9 to the following version) will automatically download and install the optimal version of Wings X during the update.

Here is the direct download link for the M1/M2 Macs: WebLink

Wings X information evening (04/24/2023 - V 1.6.13 beta)

April 24, 2023

Information event on version 1.6.13 beta of the new Wings X software from AV Stumpfl. In about 90 minutes we will first show you how to get started with Wings X with the basic functions. Then we’ll look at the many innovations since the last version: the route animation, the auxiliary lines, DMX-ArtNet control and much more. Of course, we also answer many user questions.

Moderation: Christian Horn Julia Pöller (HORNCOLOR Multimedia GmbH)

Further information and seminars can be found here:

Wings X version 1.6 is online!

Since March 23, 2023, the latest and most comprehensive update known as 1.6 has been available for download for all Wings X users. Numerous improvements and adjustments offer the user even more options for designing their multimedia show.

The list of innovations is so extensive that I would just like to link to the official version list here: Version 1.6.0 –

Guides and fixed universal tracks

For the new dynamic auxiliary lines on the screen, the developers have come up with a completely new concept that we have never seen before in this form.

Static auxiliary lines, such as those available in graphics programs (such as Photoshop) or in earlier Wings versions, are often far too inflexible for AV projects, because content with completely different arrangements can be used at different points in the timeline, so that completely different auxiliary lines are required.

But it doesn’t make much sense to display all the auxiliary lines required in a project on the screen at once, because then there is no overview and snapping the content to auxiliary lines becomes a game of chance.

That’s why there is now a new category “Guide Lines” in the Wings X Pool. There you can add and manage as many guide line layouts as you want. You can drag the auxiliary line layouts from the pool into the timeline and then easily edit them on the screen using in-screen editing.

The function is largely self-explanatory and adapted to the usual Wings X workflow. Of course there is a tutorial video about the function:

Snapping to auxiliary lines is activated using the corresponding menu item or toolbar button or via a shortcut using the “G” key.

You can of course also adopt such guide line layouts into other projects by importing the pool. With these new options, you can now display the help lines you need on the screen in a completely flexible manner, even in large projects.

So that you can always keep an eye on the auxiliary lines or markers used with many universal tracks, you can fix up to three universal tracks at the top of the timeline. You can select this function under the menu item “Timeline” and the selection “Fix track at top”. When you scroll vertically in the timeline, the frozen universal tracks will always remain visible.

Image fields with graphical representation

The important function of the image fields has been fundamentally further developed and can now be used much more intuitively by the user. When you create an image field, you can immediately see how the image field behaves in relation to the screen. Thanks to a graphical display in real time, the workflow is significantly accelerated.

The best way to see the improvement is in the new tutorial video on this topic:

Many more features of the Wings X 1.6 update are waiting to be discovered and used. We would like to take this opportunity to thank the committed and ever-growing community in the Wings X Forum.

An idea and suggestion for a new function or improvement has emerged from the lively exchange in over 750 topics. Thanks for your support.

Wings X information evening (02/02/2023 - V 1.3.1)

March 14, 2023

Information event on version 1.3.1 of the new Wings X software from AV Stumpfl. In around 90 minutes, the new functions such as the route animation and the Wings presentation (WXP), the successor to the “EXE” presentation, are shown and users’ questions are answered.  

Moderation: Christian Horn (HORNCOLOR), Peter Reitemeier (Stumpfl user team – Munich group)

Further information and seminars can be found here:

Discovery Days Festival

Nothing beats the power of a well-told story! The DISCOVERY DAYS present travelers, photographers, authors, explorers, filmmakers, journalists and researchers who bring their passion to stage and screen with good stories. Storytellers who captivate our audience with their experiences because they report on the world and its inhabitants in an authentic, committed, creative, humorous and captivating way. All speakers have 30 minutes to do this, which guarantees an intensive and varied program. At the end of the festival, the best presentations will be awarded by a jury.

The DISCOVERY DAYS are organized by the five most important lecture agencies in German-speaking countries: Explora Events, Mundologia, Grenzgang, Traum Adventure and Earth Gravity. The festival’s best speakers have now become an integral part of these agencies’ annual programs, so the event is at the same time a kind of recruiting camp for large lecture tours and a springboard to a successful speaking career on the most famous stages in the German-speaking region. The holiday destination Flims Laax Falera is an event partner of the Discovery Days and offers unique experiences in the Swiss mountains.

AV Stumpfl is sponsor of the “Best Lecture” category.

There is also a tutorial video for this:

Version 1.3.0 – Animation and Wings X Presentation (WXP)

January 2023

With version 1.3.0, two special highlights in Wings X are now available to all users with a starter license or higher.

On the one hand, there is the animation function, with which you can, among other things, create and animate travel routes. Place an animation object on a universal track of the timeline to draw a route as a vector-based line over an image or video.

All points on this line can be labeled individually and of course the line can be creatively designed in terms of type and color. When the show is playing, the route appears starting at the starting point and running to the destination point. The range of functions of Wings 7 has been significantly expanded. Interchangeable arrowheads and the ability to apply textures to the animation offer users new opportunities to individually design their show.

The second big innovation is the successor to the popular “EXE” function.

The new Wings X presentation offers you the opportunity to easily pass on your show to the organizer of a festival. In contrast to a video, you don’t have to miss out on functions such as speaker support, chapter skips or audio ducking!

This format of the edition is ideal as a presentation for speakers on tour. The Wings X presentation can be played on both Windows and on a MAC under macOS without a Wings X license. From the Pro license onwards, the range of functions of the WXP is significantly expanded and leaves nothing to be desired, even for professional applications.

Storyboard in Wings X

November 20, 2022

It’s time! The Wings X Storyboard is available!   Finally!

The storyboard is the creative interface between the objects in the media pool and the live show in your Wings X timeline. This feature helps you design the basic concept of your presentation. Arrange any media freely on the storyboard’s lightboard surface to create the perfect sequence for a show sequence. Use placeholders, notes, evaluation and comparison techniques to find the most suitable images for your multimedia show from thousands of images in the media pool as efficiently as possible and use them in the timeline in the next step.

Build a clear control panel in the storyboard for your trigger commands. This means you always have full control and overview of all your chapter jumps and other programmed trigger commands.

There is also one for this tutorial video:

Wings X information evening (October 28, 2022 - V 1.1.9)

November 9, 2022

Information event on version 1.1.9 (beta) of the new Wings X software from AV Stumpfl. In about 90 minutes, the new functions such as effects for images and videos and new tools in the timeline and in-screen editing will be shown. Our highlight: Live connection with Christoph Hilger (developer Wings X, AV Stumpfl) and Christoph Koch (sales and support Wings X, AV Stumpfl). The new “Storyboard” function is introduced. Christoph Hilger answers many questions from the chat (Zoom) about the software and development of Wings X.

Moderation: Christian Horn (HORNCOLOR), Julia Pöller (HORNCOLOR)

Weitere Infos und Seminare sind hier zu finden:

Wings X information evening (04.08.2022 - V 1.08)

August 4th, 2022

Information event on version 1.08 of the new Wings X software from AV Stumpfl. In about 90 minutes, the new functions such as alpha masks on videos, tools in the timeline, the Wings 7 import and color grading with LUTs are shown.

Our highlight: The outlook for the upcoming version 1.08 with the integration of the Wings X MasterClass, our own PDF workbook and video tutorial help (, in Wings X and the application of the new dynamic masks. Questions from the viewer chat (Zoom) will be answered.

Moderation: Christian Horn (HORNCOLOR), Julia Pöller (HORNCOLOR)

Further information and seminars can be found here:

New color grading function in Wings X

June 16, 2022

In addition to a more powerful video engine, the current version (V1.0.5) of Wings X also includes the new color grading function that many users want.

Wings X now offers the option of applying so-called LUTs (LookUp Tables) to videos and images. LUTs are a type of color control that you can use to change the colors in an image or video.  Simply put, LUTs are powerful tools that allow you to match the colors of your images and videos to each other.

Wings X uses the information provided in the LUT file and makes adjustments to gamma, contrast, saturation, luminance and hue fully automatically
of your video.This means you can easily change a video to your liking without having to switch to another program for separate color grading of your videos.

Working with LUTs is very intuitive and convenient thanks to the new “color grading” pool. LUTs can be easily applied to timeline objects or entire tracks. A “before and after” live preview on the screen makes it easier to select the desired LUT.

Here is a tutorial on the basics of color grading in Wings X:

In addition to using existing LUTs, Wings X offers the option of creating your own LUTs in conjunction with any image editing software (Lightroom, Capture One, Photoshop, …). Until now, this has not been possible with Lightroom in conjunction with other special software.

Wings X now steps into this gap and allows you to easily create LUTs with Lightroom without any prior knowledge. This means that Lightroom’s color/tone editing options can be easily transferred to videos via LUT in Wings X without having to re-export the videos.

There is also one for this tutorial video:

Wings X information evening (April 19, 2022 - V 1.00)

April 19, 2022

Information event on the release version of the new Wings X software from AV Stumpfl. In just under 90 minutes, the new functions, operation and development status of the new version 1.00 of the Wings X multimedia software are presented. Questions from the viewer chat (Zoom) will be answered. Our highlight in this episode: The exclusive interview with the chief developer of Wings X, Christoph Hilger (AV Stumpfl), and the Wings product manager Christoph Koch (AV Stumpfl). Moderation: Christian Horn (HORNCOLOR), Julia Pöller (HORNCOLOR) and Klaus Linscheid (Stumpfl user team Munich)

The AV Stumpfl team would like to thank Klaus Linscheid, Julia Pöller  and Christian Horn.

Further information and seminars can be found here:

Wings X 1.0 now available

April 19, 2022

After more than two years of development and four months of beta phase, the first official version of Wings X is available for download on our website.

This version also includes a free demo version. This makes it possible for interested users to extensively test the general handling and all relevant functions of Wings X without registering and before purchasing a license.

Install Wings X and activate demo mode after starting the program. For more information, see the tutorial video on this topic.

Not least thanks to the great support of our beta testers and the numerous active users in the Wings X Forum, many new functions and improvements have already been implemented compared to previous Wings functions.

However, the journey has only just begun! The user benefits from the ongoing development. We will continue to provide new features via updates on a regular basis.   You can not only follow the status of software development in our Wings X user forum, but also actively influence it with ideas and requests.

Magical Cornwall - The beautiful southwest of England with professional photographer and lecturer Martin Engelmann

Professional photographer Martin Engelmann sets out on an exciting journey across the south of England, his destination: the western county of “Cornwall”. He experiences an unforgettable journey into the past. The diverse beauty of southern England’s landscapes hides ancient secrets. Martin’s new live show is an impressive symbiosis of impressive images and videos as well as passionate travel journalism. Feel the magic of southern England for yourself and join us live on Tuesday, April 5th, 2022 at 8 p.m.! You can ask your questions directly to Martin via the live chat.

Topic: Magical Cornwall – The beautiful southwest of England with professional photographer and lecturer Martin Engelmann
Date: Tuesday, April 5, 2022 // 8:00 p.m. // Backstage from 7:30 p.m
Link to the trailer:

S.A.T meeting 2022

October 14 – 16, 2022

The S.A.T. Germany meeting returns to the north. This year it will take place again at the gates of Hanover, in Wathlingen. In addition to the actual meeting, this time there is also a tourist pre-program to make even the longest journey worthwhile.

Wings X - information evening by Horncolor

February 14, 2022

Information event on the new Wings X software from AV Stumpfl. In just under 90 minutes, the new functions, operation and development status of the new version of the Wings X multimedia software are presented.

The AV Stumpfl team would like to thank Peter Reitemeier, Moritz and Christian Horn.

Further information and seminars can be found here:

fotoforum - Wings X Interview

Wings from AV-Stumpfl has been on the market in a completely reprogrammed version since autumn 2021 – for the first time also for Mac users.

Christoph Koch, product manager and chief developer Christoph Hilger.

Wings X Beta is developing great!

January 30, 2022

Since its initial release in December 2021, Wings X Beta has already received six updates packed with improvements and new features. A very constructive exchange developed between the AV Stumpfl team and the users of the beta version in the Wings X Forum. New ideas are discussed on a broad basis and thanks to the short communication channels, problems can be found and resolved particularly quickly.

There are already over 12 tutorials on the various areas in Wings X available for interested users on our YouTube channel. We will promptly offer a tutorial video for each new function. Wings X – YouTube Channel

Wings X Beta version is released.

Today, December 13th, 2021, the time has come! At 1:00 p.m. the new Wings X website will be activated and Wings X will be presented to the public for the first time.

In the last few weeks and months, our development team has been working hard on the further development of the revolutionary successor to WINGS 7. Over 40 years of experience around our passion “telling stories with pictures” flow into the new multimedia presentation software Wings X.

Wings The beta version of a program is a version that has not yet been completed. Although the program can already be used in its basic functions, it has not yet been fully tested for errors and does not yet contain the full range of functions. The official release is planned for February 2022.

With Wings X a new chapter begins for AV Stumpfl. In order to ensure optimal exchange among users, we have set up a new forum.

Accessible at

We look forward to constructive discussions and mutual exchange of experiences!

Your Wings team!


WINGS X - VST plugins, timeline and graphics data

How to make pictures sound!

Mathias Michel reveals the secrets of his multivision show

He is considered the grand senior of audio vision. His legendary “endless images” have always been both a role model and an incentive for every AV designer. Even today, after over 150 professionally designed multi-visions, the veteran of the sound image show still delights every AV designer when he talks about his work. We’re talking about Mathias Michel.

No one else has shaped the multivision medium in German-speaking countries as much as he has. No one else was able to handle images, sounds and apertures as virtuoso as he did. On the occasion of his new book “The Sound of Images” Mathias Michel is a guest of the Stumpfl user team in Munich. In a live stream, he will talk about over 30 years of professional work with images, sound recorders, slide projectors and, of course, digital workflow.

Look forward to an exciting afternoon that will be entertaining and informative at the same time. Date: Saturday, November 13, 2021 from 2 p.m. You can find more information and the link to the video stream at

WINGS X - User interface

Dear Wings users, today we would like to introduce you to the first details about the new Wings X desktop!

Our stated development goal of implementing a completely new development of Wings on a “cross-platform basis” (macOS and Windows) was successfully realized.

By massively reducing the number of dialogs in the Wings workflow, an intuitive and user-friendly user interface was created for the user.

There is a specially adapted version for both macOS and Windows. Specific terms, dialogs, buttons, menus or shortcuts convey a perfectly native working feeling.

Below we would like to list some of the fundamental innovations in the Wings X desktop:

  • At first glance, Wings X looks completely familiar to users of previous Wings versions. (see screenshot) The control panels are based on the previous functionality of Wings.
  • Different arrangements of the control panels (timeline, media pool, etc.) can be saved in 5 presets and restored at the touch of a button.
  • There is a new “Undo” panel with functionality similar to Lightroom or Photoshop. You can jump back to any processing step in a list.
  • There is a separate autosave folder for each Wings project, so that, for example, the last 10 versions per project are available at any time. This means that erroneous changes to a project can be undone at any time (even after finishing Wings X or working on other projects).
  • The toolbar is freely configurable.
  • There is a new file browser with tabs for each type of media (audio, images, video, text), which completely replaces the Explorer/Finder and makes working with media much easier (file filters, favorites list, searching subfolders, preview, displaying used files, etc .)